What is the Singer's Toolbox?

What is the Singer’s Toolbox?


The Singer’s Toolbox

The singer’s toolbox consists of the possible skills and tools singer’s need at their disposal. The toolbox serves to build your foundation as a singer, allowing you to feel comfortable and confident in your abilities. The goal is for your tools to work for YOU so you can experience free and uninhibited artistry.

Every singer’s toolbox will look a bit different based on your particular interests and goals. Based on our work together, we will build a toolbox especially for you and your needs that will include practice habits and vocal technique. Below are some of the other possible tools we can work on together:


Acting: Do you know what you want to express but are unsure how to do it ? Do you feel self conscious and unsure in your performing? Does your body feel stuck on stage? My training is based in the Michael Chekhov acting method, a technique that focuses on imagination and the physical body to release your impulses and expression. We can incorporate fun acting exercises and character preparation into your lessons!

Audition and Performance Preparation: Do you have an audition coming up? Do you get nervous before a performance? Do you have a routine to help you prepare for the performance? I am particularly interested in the performance anxiety that plagues singers and I love to help my students develop a routine to calm their nerves. Additionally, we can work to ensure you are well prepared so you can enjoy your performance experience from start to finish!

Musicianship and Music Theory: Do you wish you were a better sight reader? Do you wish you could read music more easily? Do you need to prepare for an audition or test that involves musicianship? We can incorporate your preparation into your lessons and build practice tools so you feel more confident in your abilities.

Language and Diction: Does your choir sing in many languages? Do you want to sing art songs in other languages? Are you unsure how to approach learning music in other languages? I have studied language and music in France, Italy, and Austria and I would love to share my interest in foreign language with you. We can incorporate language exercises and I can direct you to resources such as IPA (The International Phonetic Alphabet-a phonetic system designed for pronunciation) so you can practice on your own. The best part is when you can use the language to have fun!

Voice Pedagogy and Vocal Health: Do you want to understand your own voice better? Do you find your voice gets tired quickly when singing? Do you have unanswered questions about why your voice does certain things? My background is in voice pedagogy, the study of the science of the voice. I can assist you in understanding the physiology of the voice and creating exercises specifically for you. I find it helps students to understand what is happening in their body, and understand how they can train their voice to meet their goals.